Author name: Franky

Frontend Submit

Shortcode Using the shortcode [eme_add_event_form] you can create a frontend submit form to add new events. The main settings and basic template can be set in the regular EME settings. This shortcode also takes an optional id-parameter (pointing to the id of a template), so you can use different layouts if you want. Placeholders The […]

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Adding EME extensions

As you know, WordPress allows you to hook into existing hooks/actions to extend functionality. The disadvantage here is that you need to modify your theme’s functions.php for this (or create a child theme and modify it there). EME now allows you to create separate PHP files in wp-content/uploads/events-made-easy/includes . If those files start with “eme_”

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[eme_mymemberinfo] Will show all membership info for the logged in user for the mentioned membership, based on the layout given by the template. Accepts the following arguments: template_id: use a predefined format template for the membership info, See format templates . membership_id: the ID of the membership for which to show membership info for. The

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CSV import payments

Importing payments into EME is done by using a CSV file. The csv delimiter and enclosure can be specified during import. If the delimiter value is empty, then “,” (comma) is taken as value. If the enclosure value is empty, then ‘”‘ (double quotes) is taken as value. The first line should indicate the names

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[eme_mymemberships] Will show all memberships for the logged in user, based on the layout given by the templates. Accepts the following arguments: template_id, template_id_header, template_id_footer (at least template_id is required, otherwise nothing will be rendered): use a predefined format template for the memberships list header, footer or list entry, See format templates . Because the

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[eme_mytasks] Will show all signed up tasks for the logged in user, based on the layout given by the templates or by the generic booking list format. Accepts the following arguments: scopelimit tasks to events with mentioned scope. Default value: “future”, other values: “past” or “all” template_id, template_id_header, template_id_footer (optional): use a predefined format template

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