Events Made Easy Forums Generic Database Errors – is this about the shift to EME?

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    A friend initially setup our WP website – I probably updated the Events Manager plugin which I guess is using something different with the database – is there another file where some html code has to be changed? Any new event added creates errors to the database – it won’t store any information or the call on the page for the Events Manager is showing database errors

    is there a person who knows this plugin I can speak to, to fix this up

    I have tried to look myself at what I know and I don’t see how to implement

    this change for the database, I assume the switch from dbem to eme is what is

    causing this problem – there is a setting we have to change and I have no

    idea where the code is for the swift

    if someone could send a personal email with steps to fix this we

    appreciate it – the only part working is the locations

    joshua shapiro –


    Read the last entry of the faq:


    Hi Franky – I think you are speaking about this:

    I installed “Events Manager” before this plugin, and seem to have issues

    If you have installed “Events Manager” before this, this might happen. If this is the case:

    go into the settings of EME and check the option “Delete all EME data when uninstalling?”.

    Then deactivate and reactivate EME.

    This setting will delete all old tables and settings concerning EME, so also those corrupted by Events Manager, so you’ll start with a empty events manager then.

    If so I don’t see how I can delete all EME data

    what I did is go to plugins

    click on edit for EME

    or I went into settings

    but I didn’t see where I can delete all EME data

    if I do this, this means I lose the locations already set up

    if you could just share a quick step by step

    I am guessing you want me (after the data is deleted) to

    then deactivate the plug-in and then reactivate

    thanks for any help



    Well, if you were using “Events Manager” newer than 2.2, and are switching to EME, then you have these kind of problems. Otherwise you need to post the db errors …



    I have Events Manager Extended 3.3.5 so yes its newer

    here are the errors I see on our Events page:

    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘event_status’ in ‘where clause’]

    SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(event_start_date, ‘%e’) AS ‘event_day’, DATE_FORMAT(event_start_date, ‘%Y’) AS ‘event_year’, DATE_FORMAT(event_start_time, ‘%k’) AS ‘event_hh’, DATE_FORMAT(event_start_time, ‘%i’) AS ‘event_mm’, DATE_FORMAT(event_end_date, ‘%e’) AS ‘event_end_day’, DATE_FORMAT(event_end_date, ‘%Y’) AS ‘event_end_year’, DATE_FORMAT(event_end_time, ‘%k’) AS ‘event_end_hh’, DATE_FORMAT(event_end_time, ‘%i’) AS ‘event_end_mm’ FROM wp_dbem_events WHERE event_status IN (1,2) AND (event_start_date >= ‘2011-07-03’ OR (event_end_date >= ‘2011-07-03’ AND event_end_date != ‘0000-00-00’ AND event_end_date IS NOT NULL)) ORDER BY event_start_date ASC , event_start_time ASC LIMIT 51

    then when I tried to add an event, I see these errors:

    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘event_status’ in ‘field list’]

    INSERT INTO wp_dbem_events (event_name,event_status,event_start_date,event_end_date,event_start_time,event_end_time,event_rsvp,rsvp_number_days,registration_requires_approval,registration_wp_users_only,event_seats,event_contactperson_id,event_notes,event_page_title_format,event_single_event_format,event_contactperson_email_body,event_respondent_email_body,event_url,event_category_ids,event_attributes,location_id,event_author,creation_date,modif_date,creation_date_gmt,modif_date_gmt) VALUES (‘East West Bookshop Lecture’,’5′,’2011-07-16′,’2011-07-16′,’19:00:00′,’20:30:00′,’0′,’0′,’0′,’0′,’0′,’-1′,’An intro talk by Joshua Shapiro’,’Introduction to the Crystal Skulls’,”,’’,”,”,”,’a:0:{}’,’8′,’1′,’2011-07-03 10:14:06′,’2011-07-03 10:14:06′,’2011-07-03 15:14:06′,’2011-07-03 15:14:06′)

    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘event_status’ in ‘field list’]

    INSERT INTO wp_dbem_events (event_name,event_status,event_start_date,event_end_date,event_start_time,event_end_time,event_rsvp,rsvp_number_days,registration_requires_approval,registration_wp_users_only,event_seats,event_contactperson_id,event_notes,event_page_title_format,event_single_event_format,event_contactperson_email_body,event_respondent_email_body,event_url,event_category_ids,event_attributes,location_id,event_author,creation_date,modif_date,creation_date_gmt,modif_date_gmt) VALUES (‘East West Bookshop Lecture’,’5′,’2011-07-16′,’2011-07-16′,’19:00:00′,’20:30:00′,’0′,’0′,’0′,’0′,’0′,’-1′,’An intro talk by Joshua Shapiro’,’Introduction to the Crystal Skulls’,”,’’,”,”,”,’a:0:{}’,’8′,’1′,’2011-07-03 10:14:06′,’2011-07-03 10:14:06′,’2011-07-03 15:14:06′,’2011-07-03 15:14:06′)

    Future events

    Database insert failed!

    You have installed the new version of Events Manager Extended. This version has among other things switched from ‘dbem’ to ’eme’ for API calls (used in templates) and for CSS. So if you use these, please replace the string ‘dbem’ by ’eme’ in your custom templates and/or CSS. After that, please deacticate/reactivate the plugin to adjust for the new version.

    from the error it appears the switch from dbem to eme for the API calls is the challenge – so I don’t know how to replace the string – the designer who did our website isn’t available – perhaps as is stated above if I can find where are the custom templates or CSS I can make this change myself but where do I look?

    your plug-in looks great – just would like it to work

    thanks for any help you can give Franky

    or is it possible I could speak to you by Skype and you can tell me

    where to look – it sounds like I just need to make a small change

    thank you – Joshua – good weekend


    You’re missing the point: “Events Manager” and “Events Manager Extended” are two different plugins. If you have “Events Manager” newer than 2.2, you can’t switch to “Events Manager Extended” any more (the reason is that the “Events Manager” plugin changed columns and stuff, so I can no longer garanty the switch).


    Hi Franky – we didn’t switch – the designer gave us Events Manager Extended to begin with – the only clue I can see is that the database is calling wp_dbem_events – dbem you said has change to eme for API calls – I do not understand the database use with wordpress other then its a type of query to add a record to the database

    so can’t you see why this error is happening – or are you saying that I had Events Manager installed before and when I updated to Events Manager Extended this is what is causing the problem which you can see by the name of our database?

    so if this is the case – do you have a manual I can read or step by step online instructions how to use EME? it sounds like I should deactivate it and then reinstall

    and after I install EME is this the code that will show all the current events:

    [events_list limit=50]

    so could I use this code also on the sidebar of our pages too?

    right now the previous designer created a page with events

    so if I understand it properly if I have to uninstall and reinstall

    does deactivate delete the plugin or is there something else I have to do

    then where do I receive the zip file for EME? which I would open

    and install

    then go into the plug-in add locations and events

    and then the code to the page or side bar

    is there a way to list only the latest events we offer

    or maybe all of this is explained in your manual

    just trying to get your great plug-in to work properly

    we could have a lot of people coming to our WP site, and

    I would be happy to promote your plug-in if you can help us

    its a shame we can’t contact our designer – otherwise I

    would ask her but we were left on our own

    thanks Franky – have a good July 4th if you are in America


    it could be what happened but I have no clue – is that I received a message of an update for Events


    Hmmm … to be sure to see what happened: export the mysql database (structure alone is enough for me) and mail it to me: , then I’ll be able to see what is really going on.

    And I’m not in America but still: Happy Fourth!


    Franky – hoe gaat het met je? – I lived in Holland for six years and visited Belgium

    since we do not have any events from before when our site was designed – and I am not sure how to export mysql database – could you email to me possibly or if you already have a procedure – the steps to uninstall EME – and reinstall it

    it seems this will be the easiest way Frankly, A.S.B.? is dit en goed idee?

    my email is rjoshua (at) sprintmail (dot) com

    also I think, when your plugin was working, that it drops from displaying automatically

    any events that have already occurred

    and also it appears if I use the code (one line) on our page (or our sidebar) we can show current and new events coming up ja?

    dank je wel Franky – graag gedaan



    Well, the last faq entry explains total removal and reinstall:

    You’re welcome 🙂


    Hi Franky – it worked, I just didn’t understand where to find to delete the databases – now I am a happy camper – but while I have you here

    my understanding (as I am still learn WP) is if you add something to your sidebar, its called a widget – I am thinking I would like to show our latest events on the sidebar

    plus on a page –

    is there something special I have to do, to show our events on the sidebar

    and if I have a lot of events but only want say the next 3 or 4 to show

    is there a way to do this –

    like your code I found [events_list limit=50]

    would I say limit = 4 for example

    thanks Frankly, your plug-in will make it easy for us to post all our events

    great job – dank je wel, all the best – Joshua


    There’s a widget (available when you installed eme) that allows you to show events, ascending or descending, past/future/all, etc … no need to use the shortcodes there. Just drag the widget where you want it in WP (if your theme is widgetized of course).

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