Events Made Easy Forums Generic Translations and how to translate

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  • #64847

    One disadvantage of moving away from is that translations once again need to be stored locally. You can find the latest versions of language files at

    Here is how to translate any string in a language of your choice:

    For editing/changing an .po file, download and install poedit. Then open the .po file you want to change, and open as “template file” the events-made-easy.pot file. Then you’ll see all strings not (correctly translated). It’s very easy. Once you press save (after you finished editing), poedit created (compiles) the .mo file for you, so you can then send me the .po and .mo file. Or create a pull request on github with the new files.

    See also

    I always forget to update the events-made-easy.pot (template translation) file, so mail me when you think it is out of date 🙂


    I have been managing the French translation for 2 years. I will continue to do it for myself but … I hope your departure from is only temporary…


    If you give me the updated po-file, I will get it always in the next release.
    But the way WP is reacting, it won’t be temporary … I’ve even checked other plugins I have installed, none would get approved I’d say. So I’ve given up on trying. The security issue is long fixed, but WP won’t release it (not very nice), so this is the best I can do for now.

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