Events Made Easy Forums How do I … Single Event title

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  • #42657

    First off, this is such a wonderful plugin. The work you’ve done is absolutely amazing, and the fact that it is free (with the hope of donations) is amazing.

    This is going to seem like an incredibly stupid question, because I suspect that the solution is pretty easy and I am just missing it.

    How would I go about centering the title on a Single Event page? Example:

    I’d like to center “Ohio Valley Wrestling – Television Taping”

    Now, I understand this is a css issue, however I can’t find where the title’s format is being taken from in events_manager.css which leads me to think that it is taking its format from my main css, however I don’t want my regular news articles titles to be centered, just the single events.

    Now, I assume then that we have to add something to the CSS, which I can do, however I am having trouble finding EME where I would call that new CSS tag.

    One backwards solution I came up with was, in the settings, putting the center code in “Single event page title format” however that was causing the code in the browsers title too.

    I hope I am making sense!


    If you look at the source, you’ll that the title is surrounded by a H1-tag with CSS entry-title (in the twentyten-theme), so you can change that to your liking. In your theme it might be different, but the layout is done by the theme for the title.


    Yeah, but I think that also would effect how post articles appear too (

    Is there a way that I can change which tag the Single Event title uses to base its formatting on?


    No, it uses the same as in normal posts, because it’s the theme doing this.

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