Events Made Easy Forums Bug fixed or feature request implemented SEO meta info for each event

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  • #42633


    First I would like to thank you for your efforts in developing this amazing and helpful plugin, the one I was always looking for. But sadly nothing perfect in this life 😀

    I’ve installed SEO All in One pack in my wp site, and its working perfectly in indexing my posts and pages into most popular search engines.

    Now the problem is that I can’t Add SEO info such as title, descriptions and tags for each event, maybe because each event isn’t considered a blog post. For me as a site providing a browsing service for events, I would need my events to appear in search engines, and this is not happening in this plugin.

    I am sure that hundreds of people who use this great plugin are in-need to the feature as it would drive a real traffic into their pages, and increase the number of exposure of their listed events.




    The All In One Pack SEO plugin probably hooks into posts/pages creation/display. This won’t work for events, because indeed they are not posts. Many other plugins (like star rating) and plain comments suffer the same problem. I can’t add all this functionality into one plugin though, so unless I switch to custom post types, this won’t happen any time soon (and those have other problems then: what about recurrent events, for example).


    So will you swich to a custom post type soon? Many of us needs their events to appear in search engines.

    Suggestion: you can add an option to make each event a custom post or not.

    I would be really happy if you made some improvements for the SEO issues for this plugin.

    …and again, thnkx for developing and improving this plugin.



    switching to custom types is another feature request, but would cost me a great amount of time and work …


    I wish it could happen soon…thats all wat I can say 🙂

    Moreover if you would make some SEO improvement to this plugin, I would appreciate,,,,



    Implemented in trunk:

    extra html headers can now be added, usefull for e.g. meta tags for facebook or seo

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