Events Made Easy Forums Bug fixed or feature request implemented PayPal Integration Feedback


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  • #43535

    EDIT: Oops, I didn’t mean to post this in the Official Announcements section, sorry!

    Hi. First off, what a very professional plugin, well done! So much of it is customisable via the extensive Settings screen, it’s really made setting it up quite straight forward. I do have some comments about the Paypal integration though:

    1) There’s a typo on this string after submitting the booking form: “You can pay for this event via paypal. If you which to do so, click the ‘Pay via Paypal’ button below.”

    “If you which…” should be “If you wish…”

    2) I would like to be able to edit the text in (1) above, but it appears to be hard coded and is not in the Setting screen.

    3) After submitting the booking form, it would be preferable to go to a “Thank You” page which clearly showed the Pay via Paypal option, rather than refreshing the same page and just replacing the booking form. The reason is that the Pay via Paypal button is not distinct enough as 90% of the page remains unchanged.

    4) Ideally the email confirmation should contain a url that allows the user to return and pay at some point in the future (the url of the Thank You page in (3) above would do). As I understand it, the user has to pay right after submitting the booking form, or not at all.

    5) The booking form fields should be given unique classes, so that they can be styled with CSS. E.g. all the booking fields aren’t wide enough for my site and I’d like to set their widths in CSS.

    6) There’s also a lot of white space to the right of the booking form that I’d like to access, e.g. to put a Paypal logo in. Giving this area a class would further aid formatting.

    7) As someone else has mentioned, the “* marks a required field” validation is not working. E.g. I can submit a form with the name, email and phone fields all empty, the booking form disappears and the “You can pay for this event via paypal… ” is displayed. If I untick the Paypal option in the event, then the validation works, so it seems the paypal facility has broken the validation function.

    8) There doesn’t seem to be a #_placeholder for the event’s price. That would be very useful to include on the pages, widget and emails please. EDIT: Ah, I’ve just seen #_PRICE in the release notes, sorry, ignore this one. I hadn’t picked it up as it wasn’t mentioned on the Settings screen.

    I think that’s it for now. I’ll let you know of other things as they come up.

    Thanks again for a really good plugin.


    Re (5) I’ve now realised that I can access the form via the eme_add_booking_form_filter filter, so that’s ok I’ve managed to do that now. Sorry, RTFM and all that!


    and about (1): was already fixed in the devel version

    I’ll move the rest to feature requests.


    Thanks Franky, though (7) is a bug report, not a feature request.


    Hmm, yes: can you file a seperate bug report for that?

    Edit: no longer needed: fixed in trunk 🙂


    Ok thanks. When’s the release of the trunk?

    Would you have preferred lots of small posts rather than one big one?


    sometimes it’s easier for small posts (some feature requests belong together but mixing feature requests and bug reports is not easy for follow-up)


    Roger that.


    4) Ideally the email confirmation should contain a url that allows the user to return and pay at some point in the future (the url of the Thank You page in (3) above would do). As I understand it, the user has to pay right after submitting the booking form, or not at all.

    I would like this too, though preferably it wouldn’t rely on e-mail at all. (Sometimes mail never arrives.) A visitor could enter his or her e-mail address (or other identifier) on the WP site and be prompted to try paying for the booking again.


    I see and understand what you mean, but that’s a whole other thing to code up.


    Thanks. Well, I guess we could always try linking to an established shopping cart module.


    see my other posting …


    I think almost everything is done, the payment return page is currently in the development branch.

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