Events Made Easy Forums Feature requests Events with a choice of appointments

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  • #56420

    Hey Franky,

    I’m posting this as a feature request as I do not know exactly if it already somehow possible …

    There are plenty other plugins available that act as a (reservation) booking tool for appointments. However as EME basically already has everything needed on board I wonder if it also can be used as a booking tool.

    Sure I can create an recurring event make, set the max. number of participants to one and schedule my free slots for a 1:1 training accordingly. However I’m looking for a bit different approach.

    A user should go to an event and then see within this event the free slots at a calendar like view and should be able to chose a date time that would suit to the user. This means there is one event listed maybe on a custom page (belonging to a dedicated category like single or 1:1 coaching) so that it can be excluded from “regular” event lists. So maybe I want to offer 1:1 trainings each Monday, Wednesday and Friday for 1,5 hours each session starting at 2pm, 4pm and 6pm currently this would be a huge event list and other events might be going under in such a list and overlooked too easy. And finding the right appointment date/time is also a bit cumbersome for a user that way. So rather having the option to display a calendar that would should show booked and free slots would be nice.

    But I think you already know or understand what I’m looking for? So would this be a valid feature request?



    I have searched for a solution (any other plugin in addition) and came across that many other event booking tools also offer a reservation/booking option. And I like to avoid adding another plugin to my site if possible…

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