Events Made Easy Forums How do I … eme_attendees and custom fields…

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  • #64699

    Hey Franky…

    So in the single event template, I am using [eme_attendees] with a custom template which looks like this:

    ⇨ #_FULLNAME – (#_ATTENDSEATS person(s)) riding a #_FIELD{26}

    When viewed, everything works for the person signed up, but for everyone else, #_FIELD{26} is empty. I suspect I need a way to loop through some records, but not quite sure how to tease that out.

    Any ideas?



    I should mention Field{26} is a ‘people’ field under custom fields.


    Can you explain a bit more what you mean with “everything works for the person signed up, but for everyone else, #_FIELD{26} is empty” ?
    Is it because others didn’t fill out that field, or was the person logged in, or … ?
    Or a screenshot and/or demo, with explanation of what you expect it to be?


    Here is an example of the events signup page:

    As you can see if you scroll down to the ‘current signups’ page, you will see Dietrich Duke (1 person) riding a (blank).

    If I am logged in to the website as Dietrich Duke, the blank is replaced with the value of #_FIELD{26} that was used during account creation (people field) on this page: (uses [eme_add_member_form] )

    So what is supposed to happen is that when a user signs up, the enter their bikes into the (dynamic) fields on the add_member_form which then gets saved into #_FIELD{26}. When the register for an event, their bikes appear in drop down for selection. That part all works fine. What I’m trying to get working is to get the bike data ( #_FIELD{26} ) to display as in the [eme_attendees] output. Again, it works if the user is logged in (they can see their own) but nobody else can see what they had in #_FIELD{26}. From what I can gather, the #_FIELD{26} data does save with the booking, but making that part of a loop to display in other shortcodes doesn’t present itself.

    *Sorry for any duplicates, its saying i’ve already posted this but I’m not seeing it in the list of replies*


    I can’t see the output, as I’m not logged in (so no attendees info visible at all).

    Would it be possible to have a temp admin account so I can see how you configured everything and check out things? Also: there’s no FIELD with id 26 in the default registration form, at least not when I check the html code of the registration form.


    Sure thing. I’m sending you an email with an admin account. (my templates section is kinda messy right now as I experiment with a few things, but it should be obvious to you).


    @501riders and @franky : Do you have an upade on this matter? As I am facing the exact same challenge!


    The problem of the original question was that #_FIELD26 was a dropdown field 26 with values calls to the eme_people shortcode with template values again other fields. So it was never going to work 🙂
    If you have a problem, it can’t be identical unless you also try to use shortcodes as dropdown values … so please describe your problem in a new post (per the forum rules).


    Hi Franky, thanks for the quick reply. I thought I had a similar problem, but I only had a similar outcome. In the meantime I found out that i had to mark all my custom fields as ‘people’-fields to make them appear in the attendees list. So it’s working now! Thanks!

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