Events Made Easy Forums Bug fixed or feature request implemented Does EME work with any carts or merchant accounts?

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  • #42349

    Just wondering if anyone has successfully tied EME with a merchant account, like Paypal or any shopping cart system? It would be nice to allow users to buy event tickets online. It seems like everything else is in place to make this a full-on event management system. The e-commerce tie-in would be great!

    I need to tie this into Infusionsoft to utilize its shopping cart ability or merchant account setup. Has this been done? Any ideas?




    It is ready for online payments but just not implemented yet …

    But “any shopping cart system” is a totally different story … what you can do there:

    – let the users register for the event and activate the event option “Require approval for registration” so new registrations will be “waiting for approval”

    – upon registration, send them a mail (also possible in EME) that sends a link to the correct part in your shopping cart system.

    – After payment: create a small script of your own that logs in into the admin side and approves the correct pending registration.


    Thanks! I’m going to do that.

    Now, can you think of any way I might be able to tie in RSVP of events with a cart, so that after a Member RSVPs for a few events, he can then go to checkout and pay for all the “tickets”?

    I’d like to use this with Infusionsoft’s cart. I’m thinking there’s a way when adding Events, to have it post the Event as a Product to Infusionsoft and then return to EME and Post the Event (as it normally does).

    Then, when a Member RSVPs (or buys) an Event ticket, it would post to the Infusionsoft cart and match the EME event ID with the Infusion Product ID created earlier and add it to the cart. Then, return to EME and post the booking. Then I would just add some “View Cart” and “Go to Checkout” buttons somewhere which would link to Infusionsoft’s checkout page.

    Seems like this could be done. Your thoughts, Franky?



    Well, I could add an extra field to define the POST to, so when a user hits the button for subscribe, it actually goes to another place … I’ll look into this


    >Just wondering if anyone has successfully tied EME with a merchant account, like Paypal or any shopping cart system?

    I wanted this and thanks for bringing the Idea to Franky

    >Well, I could add an extra field to define the POST to, so when a user hits the button for subscribe, it actually goes to another place … I’ll look into this

    Great ! But how about Integrating this plugin with popular E-commerce solutions like wp-ecommerce and other plugins ? I hope it would be developed so

    Thanks !


    Well, maybe it’s better to add an action hook before/after the RSVP action, so you can hook into anything then, no?


    I added an action hook that can be executed after the rsvp info is entered in the DB. So you can take that info and post it into any e-commerce system of your liking using add_action in your theme’s functions.php, e.g.:


    function do_my_stuff($booking) {



    Thanks for putting these hooks in various places as you’ve been doing! I really appreciate the effort and quick response.

    Now I just need to get this action and filter stuff under my belt. I haven’t worked with these before, but I think I understand the concept. If you know of any good articles or tutorials on these, please post a link. I’m going to start looking right now.

    Again, much thanks!!! When I get my next paycheck in the next few days, I’ll definitely be sharing and able to donate a little. 🙂


    No prob. When in doubt, mail me. We can always search together. Also, if you get it right: mail me a howto 🙂


    Much of this thread talks about integration with another shopping cart, but the OP asks about integration with Paypal. I too am curious about this and if there is a way to implement this so attendees can pay via Paypal for an event when registering. Any advice is very much appreciated.

    Or if this can be done using the “hook” described above, what would the code be to integrate with Paypal under the function (where you have ….) ?

    Thank you in advance for any help!


    Sorry, but I’m not going to do all the paypal coding here. Some tips:

    – read up on wordpress action hooks (see link above)

    – for the “…”: you need to read up on how to integrate paypal via php. The general idea is:

    * set the event so that bookings need approval
    * redirect to a URL from paypal so people can do their payment
    * upon successful payment, go back to wordpress and:
    - either create a php script that automatically approves the booking and let the booker know
    - or just send a mail that the booking can be approved (manually) and let the booker know


    Is this any better integrated in the current release?

    I selected the available checkbox for “Paypal” for my first event, and after generating the e-mail requesting approval, I get a “cannot redeclare class paypal on line 22” message. Am I supposed to change the contents of Paypal.php manually ?

    The only PayPal settings I’m seeing in EME are for Live/Test and “Business info”.


    Is there another installed plugin that also has this class (or paypal functionality)? That’s probably causing this, and can then be easily rectified.


    Gee I don’t think so. There are various static donate buttons for the plugins, like your own, but no active PHP stuff I’m aware of. I’ve disabled most of the plugins, to no avail.

    I did a search in my file manager for anything to do with Paypal, and all that shows up is the EME file. I don’t know how to check for actively open or conflicting classes.


    (I’m on shared hosting at HostGator; maybe they’ve got some shopping cart running that I didn’t ask for? I see no sign of one in my WordPress installation…)

    Upon review, this does not appear to be the case either….


    The only process running when I check my account is CPanel itself.

    Okay, maybe I’m an idiot. We do have the following PayPal code in an icon in our header for a donation button:

    <!-- Begin PayPal link code -->

    <p align="left"><form action="" method="post">

    <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">

    <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="OurCode">

    <input type="image" src="ourdonationbutton.jpg" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!">

    <img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">


    <!-- end of PayPal link code -->

    Is that what’s causing the conflict? How to avoid?


    No, the donate button has nothing to do here. Is it a php warning or a php error you get? It might be that I include the same class twice (although I shouldn’t, but I’ll review the code)


    It says error.

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Paypal in /home/mysite/public_html/ on line 22

    It leaves me with that error, on the event page. The e-mail request still goes out.


    doesn’t is say there (or in the logs) where the previous declaration is?


    Nope, I don’t think so. I checked the page source and all that preceded that error text was the EME javascript. Not sure where “the logs” for this are, but I’ll check…


    Here’s the tail of my error_log — no new info?

    [07-Mar-2012 16:59:25] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method SMTP::getError() in /home/mysite/public_html/ on line 1910
    [07-Mar-2012 16:59:58] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Paypal in /home/mysite/public_html/ on line 22
    [07-Mar-2012 17:00:20] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Paypal in /home/mysite/public_html/ on line 22
    [07-Mar-2012 17:09:26] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Paypal in /home/mysite/public_html/ on line 22
    [07-Mar-2012 17:17:44] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Paypal in /home/mysite/public_html/ on line 22
    [07-Mar-2012 17:53:39] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Paypal in /home/mysite/public_html/ on line 22
    [07-Mar-2012 17:54:14] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Paypal in /home/mysite/public_html/ on line 22
    [08-Mar-2012 11:33:20] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Paypal in /home/mysite/public_html/ on line 22

    Pretty sure the SMTP error, yesterday, was before I added the necessary authentication there. Everything after that in the log stems from my attempts to register for a PayPal enabled event…


    Then I’m guessing some other plugin also has paypal functionality and is using the same name (which is a generic one in fact).

    Try this:

    – change in eme_rsvp.php the line 1197 from

    $p = new Paypal;


    $p = new eme_Paypal;

    and in the file paypal/Paypal.php line 22 from

    class Paypal


    class eme_Paypal


    Done — and now I get

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class eme_Paypal in /home/mysite/public_html/ on line 22


    I was also grepping through the file system and couldn’t find any other instances of a paypal class.


    Ok then, undo the change and try this:

    change in eme_rsvp.php the line 1196

    require "paypal/Paypal.php";


    require_once "paypal/Paypal.php";


    Hey! That did it! Thank you so much.

    I now get a

    You can pay for this event via paypal. If you wish to do so, click the ‘Pay via Paypal’ button below.

    The first try didn’t work (I had to replace the full org name with the e-mail address in the EME settings) but now it does.

    This looks perfect now. (We’d like there to be a comments field on the PayPal form; I’ll check whether EME has an option for that…)

    Great help on your part, Franky. Thank you so much for giving me your time. (I’d imagine this change/bugfix should go into the next release?)

    I still have my other major issue with my theme, but at least I can publish one event at a time (by manual shortcode) with PayPal support. Very nice!


    Well, normally this fix should not be needed, but it’ll be in the next release. Moving to “Bugs” until done.


    Cool; I wonder if this overlaps with my other issue in some way, in that EME’s code is getting called twice due to some quirk in my theme… Thanks again.


    require_once added to the code (for the next version, sorry I forgot to include it for 1.0.2)


    (reposting as a new thread per request)


    Please create a new post with these questions.

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