Events Made Easy Forums How do I … Discount that changes with number of seats


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    I am a little flummoxed by this, at this point. I have tried unsuccessfully to create a code discount that changes the discount based on the number of seats to achieve a pricing structure for an event that is based on seats, couples, and tables. I don’t want to do it with three different options for seats because it will mess up the math since 2 and 8 will become 1 in the total, not to mention dividing the available seats into pools will also be logistically messy. I do know how to do this and did it successfully with a different “event,” (program ad space, half or whole page) but need a cleaner solution for this.

    I have tried a sample discount from here and been unsuccessful in getting it to do anything at all to the total, but I’m sure that’s because I’m tweaking the syntax incorrectly.

    1 seat is $100, 2 are $175, and a table of 8 is $600, so the structure I need is 1=100, 2=175, 3=275, 4=350, 5=450, 6=525, 7=625, 8=600. Essentially, 1=-0, 2=-25, 3=-25, 4=-50, 5=-50, 6=-75, 7=-75, 8=-200. I might extend it to go all the way to 16=-400. I’m not a code shark but I can tweak things like that easily enough. The problem is that I simply cannot figure out the syntax on these discount functions.

    Anyone genius enough to help me? I feel like this should be much easier than I’m making it.


    Eventually I solved this on my own; well, God helped me 🙂

    What I ended up doing that worked was a variation on one of the sample scripts that skipped the $coupon variable creation entirely and worked directly off the $booking variable with a sub-variable specified. You’ll see. It’s clumsy because it’s so specific, but it works like I need it to work, returning the correct price no matter how many seats are selected up to the limit of 16. (I did change my mind on 7 costing more than 8, too. It seemed silly.)

    Also, I used Code Snippets from Code Snippets Pro to avoid having to edit the functions.php to add it. This is a much cleaner way to do it, from my point of view, and worked well for me. Hopefully it will prove reliable in the long run.

    function my_eme_discount_function($booking) {

    if ($booking[‘booking_seats’] == 2) {
    if ($booking[‘booking_seats’] == 3) {
    if ($booking[‘booking_seats’] == 4) {
    if ($booking[‘booking_seats’] == 5) {
    if ($booking[‘booking_seats’] == 6) {
    if ($booking[‘booking_seats’] == 7) {
    if ($booking[‘booking_seats’] == 8) {
    if ($booking[‘booking_seats’] == 9) {
    if ($booking[‘booking_seats’] == 10) {
    if ($booking[‘booking_seats’] == 11) {
    if ($booking[‘booking_seats’] == 12) {
    if ($booking[‘booking_seats’] == 13) {
    if ($booking[‘booking_seats’] == 14) {
    if ($booking[‘booking_seats’] == 15) {
    if ($booking[‘booking_seats’] == 16) {
    return $calculated_discount;


    That works, but this will me more “nice” to the eye:

    function my_eme_discount_function($booking) {
            switch ($booking['booking_seats'] ) {
                case 2: $calculated_discount = 25; break;
                case 3: $calculated_discount = 25; break;
            return $calculated_discount;

    Or even more simple (with direct return-statements):

    function my_eme_discount_function($booking) {
            switch ($booking['booking_seats'] ) {
                case 2: return 25;
                case 3: return 25; 
            return 0;

    And that, boys and girls, is the difference between a desperate amateur and a professional. 🙂


    I wouldn’t call myself a professional, more a php-enthousiast 🙂 But in the end the case-statement internally gets converted to if-like structures anyway, so it is not that your code was wrong in any way.

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