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  • #42066

    In the last releases I’m not able to get the date picker to work 🙁

    In ur last release it just disappeared any sign of it in the form for creating a new event or for modifying an old one – I’m using WP 2.8.4

    That doesnt prevent me from using this cool plugin btw, even if the calendar widget isnt working properly on the home page, when trying to switch a month … as u can notice here:

    May it due to the theme im using ? Any workaround about ?


    hmmm … can you try the trunk (development) version? You can get it here:


    I double checked it using the development trunk … same result 🙁

    both using IE and Firefox.

    As for date picker , before version 3.1 it was looking for poping the calendar up, but it didnt display the day numbers, just the close button in a shrinked area

    with the last version it doesnt pop up anything … that could be a bit better for me , cause it allows me to write dates in the editable fields , but wout taking into account any internationalization rule (yyyy-mm-dd).

    well, it could be nicer to get back the date picker anyway 🙂

    thx for supporting us!


    can you provide me with an admin account in your wordpress, so I can check this out? I can’t reproduce that here.

    In 3.1.1 the field has become non-editable, only the datepicker should work. So it should be impossible for you to write something in there.


    no response in 4 days … closing


    When I use single date picker, and there is only one event on that date I am getting this message at the top of the single listing….

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘beckcall_beck.wp_frm_display’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT * FROM wp_frm_display WHERE insert_loc != ‘none’ and post_id=462 LIMIT 1

    What does this mean?


    seems to me you’ve installed the plugin “Events Manager” as well. Is that possible? If so: remove that plugin and all related mysql tables. The new version of “Events Manager” has changed their mysql structure and thus “Events Manager Extended” can’t build on that db structure any more.

    If not so: nowhere in my code I use “wp_frm_display” so this must come from another plugin. Try deactivating all other plugins and see if it works then. Then reactivate one by one until you find the guilty party.

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