Events Made Easy Forums Bug fixed or feature request implemented Changing iCal description field.

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  • #43271

    Hi everyone,

    I remember having achieved this before, but I must have updated, or reinstalled and lost it. Anyway, we are using EME with Google calendar, subscribing to the info via the ical link.

    This works quite well, although one of the problems is that the description that gets included in the ical file seems to be the code for when a single event item is displayed, rather than the description field that is entered when a new event created.

    I distinguish the difference because in our setup, when a user views a single event, we have quite a complicated system of tables and hidden DIV containers. Currently, when viewing the ical file, these DIV containers (in raw HTML) are showing in the description field. Have a look.

    I can tell that this is just a simple change in one of the PHP files, and I am 99% sure I had achieved this before, but for the life of me can’t remember how I did it.

    Any help would be appreciated!




    I’ll make a feature request of this: change the ical formatting for an event.

    But for now, edit eme_ical.php and change (line 102 or so)

    $description_format = get_option('eme_single_event_format');

    to e.g.

    $description_format = "#_NOTES";

    But normally I strip all html tags, see line 11 in eme_ical.php:

    $description = strip_tags(preg_replace('/<br(s+)?/?>/i', "\n", $description));

    Does this mean you have changed this code? Or is this not working?


    For the moment I’ll move this to postponed feature requests. It’s easy to implement, but I got no reaction to my last question and so far nobody else requested this.


    This is already implemented, so closing.

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