Events Made Easy Forums How do I … can you limit #_LINKEDNAME length

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  • #43751

    is there any way you can specify a character limit for #_LINKEDNAME

    i want to keep my event titles on my main listing page to one line per event and a character limit would do the trick but I can’t think of any way to implement it. is it possible?

    i’ve tried getting everyone who enters events to just put in short titles but it’s not happening and I haven’t got the time to keep going over several months of listings to check for mistakes!


    You can change the permalink per event, make that one short.


    thanks Franky. not sure I follow or I may not have explained it clearly. I have a listings page here:

    what I’m trying to do is force the display of the lineup field (which is #_LINKEDNAME) to be no longer than one line.

    so to give an example on the current page Mar 1 and Mar 2 are OK as #_LINKEDNAME is shorter than one line. Mar 3 however is too long and drops to a second line, i was hoping there was a way I could force #_LINKEDNAME to be no more than a certain number of characters.


    Ok, I was wrong there. The #_LINKEDNAME uses the title of the event, so if that’s long, so will be #_LINKEDNAME.

    If you want to change that, I advice you to create a custom attribute per event ( ) and use that for short name, and together with #_EVENTPAGEURL you can then create custom links.

    Or … just use a smaller title for the event 🙂

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