Events Made Easy Forums How do I … Calendar of events – limiting a single Day page to one Category

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    I’ve got my events divided up into cities using Categories, as Chicago = cat 1, Indianapolis = cat 2, etc. This works great when I create a page for a calendar of events and use the shortcode: [events_calendar category=1] I get a calendar of all the events in Chicago.

    However, if I click on a day link in the Chicago calendar to see all the events for that day, I get events for all cities on that day, not just the Chicago ones. Is there any way to display just the Chicago events for that day? Or is there a better way to do all this?

    Thanks, Franky!


    Hmmm … indeed, when clicking on a date, the extra limitations are not taken into account … sigh, another thing to fix 🙂

    But, you can use the [events_list] shortcode, limited to category=1 and use daily/weekly/monthly paging. See

    And more: you can use the [events_filterform] shortcode, to show a filter form (based on eg. location or town), see and


    as i have the same problem: how can i combine/merge the [events_calendar] with the [events_list] function? The eme-Plugin is a great tool, but sometimes i dont get the goal, how it works.


    Don’t hijack an old thread. Your question is a new one, so please start a new thread and post exactly what you want. Also read up on [events_list] and it’s paging options:

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