Events Made Easy Forums Bug fixed or feature request implemented Allow 0-seats cannot be deactivated

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  • #55831

    Hi Franky,

    The “allow 0-seats for attendance-like events again” change in 1.7.6 is messing up my system.

    Here is a typical booking page:

    It uses multibooking because there are 2 events. Each event is “attendance only”, with a No/Yes dropdown.

    Even when I have set “Min number of spaces to book” set to 1, if a booking is made for one of the events only, both events are booked, one with 0 seats, one with 1 seat.

    How do I revert to the old behaviour where an event is simply not booked if it is not selected?

    (I do not know if this is bug, but I could not find a setting / switch for this)




    Although I understand your problem, the attendance-feature works as intended (to indicate whether or not you’ll be present for a certain event).
    But, by using this version of eme_rsvp.php:

    for multibooking && attendance events, the empty seats won’t get stored unless you use the (now documented …) option register_empty_seats=1 (default=0) for the shortcode eme_add_multibooking_form. This changes the default behavior, but I think it is more logical …


    I tested the change to eme_rsvp.php and it worked fine – as you intended, not storing the empty seats when defaulting to register_empty_seats=0.

    Thanks, that’s an effective solution that provides options for different user needs.

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