Events Made Easy Forums Bug fixed or feature request implemented All events have same date in sitemap


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  • #60438

    I just checked the EME sitemap, and all events have the same date in sitemap 2010-01-01. Do you have any ideas how to get there e.g. last modified date?


    Which version is your mysql database? 5.5 or older are not supported …


    5.5.62. Ok, thanks, I try to write my provider to upgrade the database.


    Provider uploaded MariaDB10, which should be equivalent to MySQL 5.6. I changed to a new database, but the dates in sitemap are still the same. I tried to update some events, but no change. Could it be some other problem?


    No, but EME doesn’t know that you changed db versions. Go in the EME settings, tab “Other” and set the option “EME DB version” to 244. Then press Save. Upon saving, EME will then do the needed db changes (the ones that failed because of your older mysql version) and change the version back to the current version.
    As a precaution, take a db backup first.


    I tried, but still no change. I have changed db version do 244, but after saving, it changed automatically back to 254. I tried to save it again as 254, but no change.

    I do not know, if the input 244 was accepted and processed. Should it behave this way?


    Yes it should. It makes corrections and sets the version to the latest again. But is your problem solved now? BTW: it will only be solved for new/changed events because your db didn’t store the change time of the event.


    ok, thank you. Problem solved. It works perfectly in new events. In old events, I have to change the date and save the event to make it work. Hitting just the update button did not do anything. Thank you again for excellent support.

    Btw, I started working on Slovak translation few weeks ago to contribute a little 🙂 There are few hundred translations waiting to be approved, but it seems, there are no active editors. Do you have the authority to add me as translation editor for this plugin?

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