CSV import discounts

Importing discounts into EME is done by using a CSV file. The csv delimiter and enclosure can be specified during import. If the delimeter value is empty, then “,” (comma) is taken as value. If the enclosure value is empty, then ‘”‘ (double quotes) is taken as value.
The first line should indicate the names of the columns being imported. Currently these names are allowed:
“name”, “description”, “type”, “coupon”, “dgroup”, “value”, “maxcount”, “valid_from”, “valid_to”, “strcase”, “use_per_seat”

There are 4 columns required: “name”,”type”,”coupon”,”value”.
See the documentation on discounts concerning the meaning of each field (“maxcount” corresponds to “max usage”, “dgroup” is the discount group id (or name, but the id is safer), “valid_from” and “valid_to” should be in the format “YYYY-MM-DD” or “YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss”). The type field is a number: “1” for fixed, “2” for percentage, “3” for code, “4” for “fixed per seat”.

A simple example of a CSV file:



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