Events Made Easy Forums How do I … several questions

  • This topic has 11 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #64139

    1) Is it possible to hide ‘Seats’ in the booking form when I put min & max seats at 1? It looks weird showing ‘Seats’ but there’s nothing for the users to choose.

    2) EME Captcha is not working. I turned it on in Settings and also put the placeholder in the form but it only shows ‘Please fill in the code’ without any picture.

    3) Is it possible to restrict the phone input to numbers? I tested by typing in alphabets and it went through. Also, how can I put international codes as choices in front of the phone input?

    4) When I tested the form, I saw my author’s name and email autocompleted but I did not turn it on in the Settings. How can I remove the autocomplete?

    Thanks in advance.


    I’m sorry I put in the wrong title for this post. How can I change it?


    1) change the EME setting “Booking form format”, either in the generic EME settings, tab ‘rsvp’ or per event.
    2) the captcha needs the php gd extension to show
    3) currently not possible in EME itself. You can use own jQuery libraries to get there of course
    4) the autocomplete is in your case only when logged in as admin, it won’t be for regular users. And you can empty the fields by clicking on the “x” in the last name field.


    I have already installed PHP gd extension but captcha is still not showing. I also tried hcaptcha (after entering site key & secret key) and it also does not show on the form. What should I do next to get it working? Any other dependencies that I should turn on?


    That’s weird … the captcha should then show. If the hcaptcha is not showing: can it be that it is being blocked by your browser (adblock plugin)? Can you show this on a site? Can I have admin access to test/check?


    How do I send the credentials to you?


    I managed to get it working. I didn’t know I need to check the captchas at 2 places: General settings and the RSVP Form Formats.

    A suggestion: Can you streamline the captcha turning on process? Now, users have to check the boxes at 2 places and place the placeholder in the form. I find it having too many steps and it’s confusing. I thought after checking it and entering the keys at the General settings, it should be working. Maybe make it such that by turning on captcha at the General Settings and entering the keys, captcha will be automatically added to ALL forms. Then, under ‘RSVP Form Formats’, you can put a checkbox for users to TURN OFF captcha for that particular form, if they choose to do so.

    A couple more questions:

    1) When I tested the form, if I do not enter the EME captcha letters, there’s an error message. But for hcaptcha, there is no error message if I do not do the captcha. It just runs then stops. Is it possible to put in an error message for not doing the hcaptcha?

    2) Also, I tried putting #REQ_HCAPTCHA in the form then there are 2 hcaptchas in the form. How can I put the ‘Required’ words below hcaptcha?

    Thanks so much for your prompt replies. =)


    The generic settings is taken into account for new events, but doesn’t change existing events.
    Concerning hcaptcha: I’ll test again, but normally it adds a message if the captcha is not ok … also, it is a remote captcha (as is the google recaptcha), so there are limits as to what I can change.


    I will send you my credentials for you to test on my site. It is a test site so feel free to do whatever tests you want.


    I tested it locally: the hcaptcha returns the error “Please check the hCaptcha box” if you don’t check the box.


    Ok, I see it now. EME captcha shows the error message right at the captcha box but hcaptcha shows it at the top of the sidebar so I did not see it at first. Can’t be helped with the placement of the error message, I guess. Thanks so much for your help!

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