

As the eme_get_calendar template tag does, this shows a calendar in the page where you put this shortcode. It accepts the following parameters:

  • full indicates you want to show the large calendar, don’t use this in sidebar widgets. Defaults to false. Possible values: 0 or false, 1 or true
  • month indicates the month you wish to display (can be an event timeplaceholder if you use this shortcode inside a single event format). Defaults to the current month. You can also say “month=next_month” to indicate this calendar should always show next month.
  • year indicates indicates the year the calendar will use to display a month of. Defaults to the current year.
  • long_events if set to 0 or false, events will only be shown on their startdate, if 1 or true events spanning multiple days will be shown on each of those days. Defaults to false.
  • template_id the template id describing the format for a single event in the calendar (see the settings page), don’t forget to use <li> and </li> in the template.
  • holiday_id the holiday id with the list of holidays you want to show in this calendar
  • weekdays using this, you can select which days of the week you want to show (0-6 as values, 0 being Sunday, see below for an example)
  • category,notcategory, location_id, author, contact_person these options are identical as those for the shortcode [eme_events] , so look there for the explanation.
  • htmltable and/or htmldiv by default the full calendar is shown as a html table, some people/themes don’t like this so if you set htmltable=0 or htmldiv=1, html div’s will be used to render the calendar (seems to be a bit more responsive).
  • ignore_filter: if set to 1, the shortcode will ignore the eme filter form if present on the page. Defaults to 0. Using this you can use several shortcodes on 1 page and only some are optionally influenced by the eme_filterform shortcode.


[eme_calendar full=1]
[eme_calendar month=11]
[eme_calendar weekdays=1,4]

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