Location formatting

Locations format works in the same way as events, but the parameters are different.

  • #_LOCATIONDBFIELD{xx} displays the database value of the location property called ‘xx’ (with ‘xx’ being ‘location_name’, ‘location_id’, etc … see eme_locations.php, function eme_new_location) This can replace a number of more specific placeholders below (and future placeholders can be avoided like this too)
  • #_LOCATIONNAME indicates the location name (weird, huh?)
  • Other general parameters are #_ADDRESS, #_CITY,#_STATE, #_ZIP or #_POSTAL, #_COUNTRY, #_LOCATIONDETAILS, #_MAP and #_LOCATIONIMAGE.
  • #_LOCATIONPAGEURL returns the URL of the location
  • #_LOCATIONIMAGEURL returns the URL of the image associated with the location
  • #_LOCATIONIMAGETHUMB shows a thumbnail of the featured image, instead of the whole image. The size can be choosen in the EME settings (panel ‘Other’), by default it is ‘thumbnail’ size
  • #_LOCATIONIMAGETHUMB{MyCustomSize} shows a thumbnail of the specified custom size of the image, instead of the whole image. The size is a custom size either known to wordpress or defined in your functions.php via the function add_image_size()
  • #_LOCATIONIMAGETHUMBURL returns the url to the thumbnail
  • #_LOCATIONIMAGETHUMBURL{MyCustomSize} returns the url to the thumbnail of the specified custom size. The size is a custom size either known to wordpress or defined in your functions.php via the function add_image_size()
  • #_LOCATIONIMAGETITLE, #_LOCATIONIMAGEDESCRIPTION, #_LOCATIONIMAGEALT and #_LOCATIONIMAGECAPTION return the image title, descripton, alternative title and caption (the 4 wordpress properties you can set for an image)
  • Three tags allow the display of events taking place in the given location. Use #_NEXTEVENTS to insert a list of the upcoming events, #_PASTEVENTS for a list of past events, #_ALLEVENTS for a comprehensive list of all events. They also have an optional parameter so you can decide the sorting order of the events shown. Default is ASC, e.g.:
    More complex ordering can be used too, see the eme_events shortcode for tips
  • #_LOCATIONID returns the location ID
  • #_LATITUDE and #_LONGITUDE return the langitude and longitude for the location
  • #_DIRECTIONS displays a small form so you can ask for driving directions to an event/location
  • #_LOCATIONCATEGORIES displays a comma-separated list of categories a location is in.
    In case you want to show or hide specific categories, you can do so by specifying 2 optional filters to include/exclude categories. To be used like this:
    #_LOCATIONCATEGORIES{1,3}{} ==> this will get all categories for the location, but only show cat 1 or 3
    #_LOCATIONCATEGORIES{}{1,3} ==> this will get all categories for the location, but not show cat 1 or 3
  • #_LOCATIONCATEGORIES_CSS display a space-separated list of categories (so you can use them to do css stuff based on these names). Exclusions as in #_LOCATIONCATEGORIES are possible.
  • #_LOCATIONCATEGORYDESCRIPTIONS returns the different category descriptions for a location. The same optional filters to include/exclude categories as for #_LOCATIONCATEGORIES can also be used here.
  • #_EDITLOCATIONLINK inserts a link to the edit location page, only if a user is logged in
  • #_EDITLOCATIONURL just shows the link to the edit location page (if a user is logged in), not clickable like #_EDITLOCATIONLINK is
  • #_LOCATION_EXTERNAL_URL returns the external url for a location
  • #_LOCATION_EXTERNAL_REF returns the external reference for a location (typically the facebook id)
  • #_FIELD{xx} returns the answer (the tag, not the real value chosen for multi-option fields) for the extra form field with ID or name xx. For fields of type “file” it will return a list of clickable links.
  • #_FIELDVALUE{xx} returns the answer (not the tag, but the real value chosen for multi-option fields) for the extra form field with ID or name xx. For fields of type “file” it will return the url to the file.
  • #_FIELDNAME{xx} returns the name for the extra form field with ID or name xx

The aforementioned events list can be similarly formatted through the Default location event list format setting field. This field follows the conventions of events formatting.

You can also use the shortcode [eme_events] in the “single location format” or “location list format” setting, with the option location_id=#_LOCATIONID (also location_id=this_location works, but not for paging/calendar/…). E.g. this would show the future 5 events for the specific location when viewing that single location details:
[eme_events scope=future limit=5 location_id=#_LOCATIONID]

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