Conditional tags and for-loops

EME provides the use of conditional tags and for-loops.

Conditional tags

Sometimes you want info only to be shown dependent on some conditions. In almost all formatting settings, you can use a special shortcode called [eme_if] that allows these kind of decisions:
You can use all placeholders in the if-part, just by prepending them with “ESC”, e.g you could use this for single event formatting:

#j, #M #Y – #H:#i
[eme_if tag='#ESC_ATT{color}' value='red'] color: #_ATT{color} [/eme_if]
[eme_if tag='#ESC_ATT{price}'] price: #_ATT{price} [/eme_if]
[eme_if tag='#ESC_TOWN'] the town is: #_TOWN [/eme_if]
[eme_if tag="#ESC_ATT{Image URL}"] <img src=”#_ATT{Image URL}” /> [/eme_if]
[eme_if tag="#ESC_STARTDATE" value="#ESC_ENDDATE"] The start and end date of this event are the same, so just showing start: #_STARTDATE [/eme_if]
[eme_if tag="#ESC_{j M Y}" value="#ESC@_{j M Y}"] The start and end date of this event are the same: #j #M #Y [/eme_if]
[eme_if tag="#ESC_{j M Y}" notvalue="#ESC@_{j M Y}"] This date is only printed if different from start date: #@_{- j M Y} [/eme_if]

The possible conditions you can test for are:

  • Nothing, you then just check that the placeholder/string mentioned in the tag is not empty: [eme_if tag='#ESC_TOWN']
  • is_empty=1 checks that the placeholder/string mentioned in the tag is in fact empty: [eme_if tag='#ESC_TOWN' is_empty=1]
  • value or eq checks if the placeholder/string mentioned in the tag is the same as the one mentioned in value. Example:
    [eme_if tag='#ESC_ATT{color}' eq='red'] color: #_ATT{color} [/eme_if]
  • notvalue or ne checks if the placeholder/string mentioned in the tag has a value different than the one mentioned in value
  • lt checks if the numerical value of the placeholder/string mentioned in the tag has a value lower than the one mentioned in lt. Example:
    [eme_if tag='#ESC_ATT{color}' eq='red'] color: #_ATT{color} [/eme_if]
  • le checks if the numerical value of the placeholder/string mentioned in the tag has a value lower than or equal to the one mentioned in lt. Example:
    [eme_if tag='#_AVAILABLESEATS' lt='5']Less than 5 seats left[/eme_if]
  • gt checks if the numerical value of the placeholder/string mentioned in the tag has a value bigger than the one mentioned in gt
  • ge checks if the numerical value of the placeholder/string mentioned in the tag has a value bigger than or equal to the one mentioned in gt
  • contains checks if the value of the placeholder/string mentioned in the contains occurs in the one mentioned in tag
  • notcontains checks if the value of the placeholder/string mentioned in the notcontains doesn’t occur in the one mentioned in tag
  • incsv checks if the value of the placeholder/string mentioned in the incsv occurs in the comma-separated list mentioned in tag
  • notincsv checks if the value of the placeholder/string mentioned in the incsv does NOT occur in the comma-separated list mentioned in tag

As extra, next to the regular placeholders you can use, I added some extra placeholders:

  • #_IS_AUTHOR (‘1’ if you’re the author for the event, ‘0’ otherwise)
  • #_IS_CONTACTPERSON (‘1’ if you’re the contact person for the event, ‘0’ otherwise)
  • #_IS_AUTHOR_OR_CONTACTPERSON (‘1’ if you’re the author or contact person for the event, ‘0’ otherwise)
  • #_IS_PRIVATE_EVENT (‘1’ if the event is a private event, ‘0’ otherwise)
  • #_IS_LOGIN_REQUIRED (‘1’ if the event is a private event or the RSVP settings require WP membership, ‘0’ otherwise)
  • #_IS_RSVP_ENABLED (‘1’ if the event is RSVP-able, ‘0’ otherwise)
  • #_IS_RSVP_PASSWORD_ENABLED (‘1’ if the event is RSVP-able and password protected, ‘0’ otherwise)
  • #_IS_RECURRENT_EVENT (‘1’ if the event is part of a recurrence, ‘0’ otherwise)
  • #_IS_REGISTERED (‘1’ if WP user has already registered for the event, ‘0’ otherwise)
  • #_IS_REGISTERED_PAID (‘1’ if WP user has already registered for the event and has paid for it, ‘0’ otherwise)
  • #_IS_REGISTERED_PENDING (‘1’ if WP user has already registered for the event but waiting approval, ‘0’ otherwise)
  • #_IS_REGISTERED_APPROVED (‘1’ if WP user has already registered for the event and is approved, ‘0’ otherwise)
  • #_IS_MULTIPRICE (‘1’ if the event is a multiprice event, ‘0’ otherwise)
  • #_IS_MULTISEAT (‘1’ if the event is a multiseat event, ‘0’ otherwise)
  • #_IS_MULTIDAY (‘1’ if the event start date is different from the end date, ‘0’ otherwise)
  • #_IS_MULTIBOOKING (‘1’ when actually doing a multi-booking, not when updating/confirming/deleting a booking)
  • #_IS_ALLDAY (‘1’ if the event is a all-day event, ‘0’ otherwise)
  • #_IS_ATTENDANCE (‘1’ if the event only takes rsvp attendances, ‘0’ otherwise)
  • #_IS_INVITE_ONLY (‘1’ if the event allows registration through invitation links, ‘0’ otherwise)
  • #_IS_INVITE_URL (‘1’ if registration form is shown through a invite url, ‘0’ otherwise), this allows to show/hide fields for invites-only.
  • #_IS_RSVP_STARTED (‘1’if the registration period has begun, ‘0’ otherwise)
  • #_IS_RSVP_ENDED (‘1’if the registration period has passed, ‘0’ otherwise)
  • #_IS_FIRST_RECURRENCE (‘1’if the event is the first event in a recurrence series, ‘0’ otherwise)
  • #_IS_LAST_RECURRENCE (‘1’if the event is the last event in a recurrence series, ‘0’ otherwise)
  • #_IS_ONGOING_EVENT (‘1’if the event is ongoing, ‘0’ otherwise)
  • #_IS_ENDED_EVENT (‘1’if the event has ended, ‘0’ otherwise)

A number of generic placeholders can be used even outside event/location/member formatting templates (in other words: when you use eme_if standalone on a wordpress page). See for those (with examples).

Using this conditional tag requires some playing around …
I also added [eme_if2], [eme_if3], [eme_if4] … till [eme_if15], if you want to use more than one level of logic (wordpress doesn’t like a shortcode with the same name enclosed in another one).


Using the shortcode [eme_for], you can use a for-loop to show specific info a number of times. Usage for this might be e.g. to show images for the number of seats taken, instead of a number.
The required options are either:

  • min=x with ‘x’ being the lowest number in the for-loop
  • max=y with ‘y’ being the highest number in the for-loop


  • list=xxx xxx being a list of values, separated by a separator specified by the sep-option (see below)
  • sep=y the separation char for the list above (default “,”)

In both shortcodes you can use the extra following placeholders to play with the values of the loop: #_LOOPCOUNTER and #_LOOPVALUE

Some examples:
[eme_for min='1' max='5']Do anyting here, it will be repeated 5 times[/eme_for]
[eme_for min='1' max='#_RESERVEDSEATS']Do anyting here, it will be repeated for each reserved seat[/eme_for]
An example where a custom formfield containing multiple values is being looped:
[eme_for list="#_FIELD{mycustomlist}" sep="||" ]This is the #_LOOPCOUNTER value in the list: #_LOOPVALUE

The latter shows that you can also loop through e.g. the categories of an event of a custom location field and show that info in any way you want on a page. If you want to use the loop value for an url, you can also use #URL_LOOPVALUE

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