RSVP mail and booking info

If you enable RSVP email notifications, the contact person and respondent will be notified of the booking. The templates can be customised using the standard placeholders for events, locations, payment gateways and people AND the extra placeholders mentioned below.

The extra placeholders:

  • #_BOOKINGDBFIELD{xx} displays the database value of the booking property called ‘xx’ (with ‘xx’ being ‘booking_id’, ‘event_id’, etc … see events-manager.php, function eme_create_bookings_table) This can replace a number of more specific placeholders below and future placeholders can be avoided like this too)
  • #_RESPSEATS displays the number of seats reserved by the respondent.
  • #_RESPSEATS{xx} (with xx being a number): displays the number of seats reserved by the respondent for a specific price for multiprice events. E.g. for a multiprice event with 2 prices like 10||20, you can show the reserved seats for the category with price 10 by using #_RESPSEATS{1} and for the category with price 20 by using #_RESPSEATS{2}.
  • #_RESPCOMMENT displays the comment the respondent made.
  • #_TRANSFER_NBR_BE97 displays the unique bank transfer number for each booking (useful for belgian transfers only).
  • #_TOTALPRICE gives the total price to pay. The price info is taken from the booking (so anything done in the filter eme_insert_rsvp_action that might change the price is taken into account).
  • #_TOTALPRICE{xx} (with xx being the price index in a multiprice event, starting from 1): gives the total price to pay for a specific price category for multiprice events. The price info is taken from the booking (so anything done in the filter eme_insert_rsvp_action that might change the price is taken into account).
  • #_TOTALPRICE_NO_VAT returns the total price to pay, VAT excluded
  • #_TOTALPRICE_VAT_ONLY returns the VAT part of the total price to pay
  • #_BOOKINGPRICEPERSEAT and #_BOOKINGPRICEPERSEAT{xx} return the end-price per booked seat (either normally or for multiprice for the indicated price category). The filter eme_insert_rsvp_action is taken into account, so the end-price includes anything you do with it (including discounts)
  • #_BOOKINGPRICEPERSEAT_NO_VAT and #_BOOKINGPRICEPERSEAT_NO_VAT{xx} return the end-price per booked seat (either normally or for multiprice for the indicated price category), VAT excluded
  • #_BOOKINGPRICEPERSEAT_VAT_ONLY and #_BOOKINGPRICEPERSEAT_VAT_ONLY{xx} return the VAT part of the end-price per booked seat (either normally or for multiprice for the indicated price category)
  • #_AMOUNTRECEIVED and #_AMOUNTREMAINING indicate the payment amount received and hat is left to pay for this booking. This is useful if you accept partial payments and want to inform people of what is left to pay.
  • #_TOTALDISCOUNT returns the total discount applied
  • #_APPLIEDDISCOUNTNAMES returns a comma-seperated list of discount names applied to this booking
  • #_DISCOUNTCODES_ENTERED returns a comma-seperated list of discount names entered for this booking. Since it is no longer allowed to enter invalid discount codes, the placeholder #_DISCOUNTCODES_ENTERED and #_DISCOUNTCODES_VALID now return the same result.
  • #_DISCOUNTCODES_VALID (or #_DISCOUNTCODES_USED) returns a comma-seperated list of the valid discount codes entered for this booking
  • #_FIELDS returns all the extra form fields in “name: value” lines
  • #_FIELD{xx} returns the answer (the tag, not the real value chosen for multi-option fields) for the extra form field with ID or name xx. For fields of type “file” it will return a list of clickable links.
  • #_FIELDVALUE{xx} returns the answer (not the tag, but the real value chosen for multi-option fields) for the extra form field with ID or name xx. For fields of type “file” it will return the url to the file.
  • #_FIELDNAME{xx} returns the name for the extra form field with ID or name xx
  • #_DYNAMICDATA shows the dynamic data entered based on the defined RSVP conditions for the event
  • #_DYNAMICFIELD{xx} works like #_FIELD but for dynamically added fields. Since these can be repeated multiple times, those answers will be separated by a carriage return or a br-tag
  • #_PAID returns a translated ‘Yes’ if paid, ‘No’ otherwise (not really useful here, but more for the bookings list, that uses the same placeholders)
  • #_IS_PAID like #_PAID, but returns ‘1’ if paid, ‘0’ otherwise (not really useful here, but more for the bookings list/mails and conditional tags, that uses the same placeholders)
  • #_IS_APPROVED returns ‘1’ if booking is approved, ‘0’ otherwise (not really useful here, but more for the bookings list/mails and conditional tags, that uses the same placeholders)
  • #_IS_PENDING returns ‘1’ if booking is pending approval, ‘0’ otherwise
  • #_BOOKINGCREATIONDATE and #_BOOKINGCREATIONTIME returns the creation date and/or time of the booking
  • #_BOOKINGCREATIONDATE{xx} and #_BOOKINGCREATIONTIME{xx} (with “xx” a php dateformat notation) returns the current date or ime in the php dateformat mentioned between brackets. E.g. #_BOOKINGCREATIONDATE{Y} will return just the year.
  • #_BOOKINGPAYMENTDATE and #_BOOKINGPAYMENTTIME returns the payment date and/or time of the booking
  • #_BOOKINGPAYMENTDATE{xx} and #_BOOKINGPAYMENTDATE{xx} (with “xx” a php dateformat notation) returns the current date or time in the php dateformat mentioned between brackets. E.g. #_BOOKINGPAYMENTDATE{Y} will return just the year.
  • #_BOOKINGID returns the booking ID number, in case you want to share it
  • #_BOOKING_CONFIRM_URL returns a link to confirm the booking by the user if user confirmation is activated for that event (but see below for #_PAYMENT_URL)./li>
  • #_PAYMENT_URL returns a link to the payment form (the buttons for paypal and all other payment gateways), in case you want to mail it to people that did not yet pay again. No personal info is shown on this page, just the amount to pay and the payment buttons. This link is also used to confirm bookings by the user if user confirmation is activated for that event./li>
  • #_CHARGE{xx} (with xx being the name of a payment gateway). Returns the extra cost being added per payment provider: #_CHARGE{google}, #_CHARGE{fdgg}, #_CHARGE{2co}, #_CHARGE{paypal}, #_CHARGE{webmoney}
  • #_MULTIBOOKING_SEATS gives the total seats of all bookings in a multibooking scenario
  • #_MULTIBOOKING_TOTALPRICE gives the total price of all bookings in a multibooking scenario
  • #_MULTIBOOKING_TOTALPRICE_NO_VAT returns the total price to pay, VAT excluded
  • #_MULTIBOOKING_TOTALPRICE_VAT_ONLY returns the VAT part of the total price to pay
  • #_MULTIBOOKING_DETAILS_TEMPLATE{xx} (with xx a template id): parses the template for each booking in a multibooking scenario, all regular booking and event placeholders can be used in the template. See the doc about the eme_add_multibooking_form shortcode for more info and an example.
  • #_CANCEL_LINK returns a link to cancel the booking made.
  • #_CANCEL_URL returns just the url to cancel the booking made, so you can make your own link with custom text if wanted.
  • #_CANCEL_CODE returns just the cancel code for the booking made, this can be used in a future cancel booking form.
  • #_CANCEL_OWN_URL can be used in event lists so you can allow logged in people (or the event owner/author) to just cancel their own booking with a single click. The difference with #_CANCEL_URL is that #_CANCEL_URL gives the url no matter what (easier for mails, not wp-members and such), while this only returns the link for the bookings you have a right to cancel. Useful in e.g. [eme_mybookings] with the event id as an option (when used inside the single event format, the event id can be given as #_EVENTID), so then you can show only people’s own bookings for an event with a cancel link
  • #_CANCEL_OWN_LINK: as #_CANCEL_OWN_URL, but a ready-to-click link
  • #_FILES: returns the files uploaded for that booking (all files uploaded!). However: a custom field that was
    marked as “Person field” (so asking for personal info) will not be returned when using #_FILES, use #_PERSONAL_FILES for that
  • #_ATTENDANCE_URL: returns an url (and using any other wp plugin create a qr-code), to send to the booker. When entering, this is checked:
    – if the booking (or bookings) is paid for
    – if the number of times this link is used is not higher than the amount of seats (it will give a message if it surpasses that amount)
    – only valid 5 hours before the event starts and until the event is finished (these limits can be set per event)
    The link can only be used by WP logged in people who have the right to approve or edit bookings.
    This link is less useful than the placeholder #_QRCODE (which does the same, but shows a pretty QR code)
  • #_QRCODE: returns a QR code to the attendance url. This allows you to send a mail to people with this code in it, so they can bring this along and then locally it can be scanned by a WP person with the right to approve or edit bookings. In the EME settings you can configure what is shown when scanning the qrcode with sufficient rights or when not logged in. #_QRCODE can be used in the pdf template for tickets or membership cards or in rsvp mails. If any other php lib is loaded providing the same qrcode class, the qrcode will refuse to load, so then you’ll need to use a shortcode provided by the other plugin.
    The number of times the QR-code can be scanned is identical to the number of seats booked (see #_ATTENDANCE_URL).
  • #_QRCODE{xx} returns #_QRCODE but with an optional size attribute (default: 2). The different options are: any number from 1 to 8 or the predefined sizes small (=1), medium (=2, the default), large (=4), huge (=8). Examples: #_QRCODE{small} or #_QRCODE{4}
  • #_INVITEURL: if the event is invite-only for the RSVP form, then this allows you to send out an invitation url towards people. This is only useful in the “Send mail” section of EME when you send an event-related mail to a numer of people.
  • #_INVITEURL{xx} (with ‘xx’ being an event id or name): if the event is invite-only for the RSVP form, then this allows you to send out an invitation url towards people. This can be used in rsvp reply mails (to invite people for other events) or in the “Send mail” section of EME when you send an generic mail to a numer of people but want to mention the invite-url for a specific event (or a number of events).
  • #_ON_WAITINGLIST: see the doc on waitinglists
  • #_BOOKINGPDF_URL{xx}(with ‘xx’ being a template id) that allows you to generate pdf’s with booking info in them and mail that url to the person in question. If this placeholder is used multiple times with the same template (e.g. when you use it in “pending” and “approved” mail templates), the first generated PDF file is chosen (so don’t do it …). This placeholder can also be used in the booking thank-you message.
  • #_PAYMENTGATEWAYUSED If this is a mail sent after payment, this placeholder will return the payment gateway used to pay online.

You can define a default format for the mails being sent in the Settings page. After that, you can refine for each specific event the formatting if the default is not ok for this event.

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